Alchemy Wellbeing

Alchemy Wellbeing

Alchemy Wellbeing

🌸 Alchemy: “A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination”.

🌸 Wellbeing: “The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”.

From my studio in Llandrindod Wells I offer massage and Chinese Medicine treatments, wellbeing workshops, complementary therapy training and sell a small selection of holistic products. I work in an intuitive way calling on all my experience and training to create a treatment plan to assist your body, mind and spirit to return to its natural state of harmony.

My aim is to create a long-term professional relationship to support you through the cycles, changes and challenges that life can present. I have a special interest and specialist training in Oncology.

I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your healing journey.

What is Chinese Medicine?
Chinese Medicine is a holistic therapy based on the understanding that the physical, emotional and mental aspect of life are interdependent. It focuses on treating the whole individual rather than on a particular sign or symptom in isolation. I utlise massage, cupping, moxa (a herb administered to the skin), guasha, and other non-insertive techniques (ie needle free Acupuncture).

Clinical practice and clinical studies have shown Chinese Medicine's effectiveness in helping a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions, including the following:

🌸 anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression
🌸 Musculoskeletal complaints
🌸 Gynaecological issues
🌸 Male and female infertility,
🌸 Pregnancy and post-natal support
🌸 Skin conditions
🌸 Circulation problems
🌸 Digestive problems
🌸 Respiratory disorders
🌸 Urogenital problems
🌸 Neurological Conditions
🌸 Support during cancer treatments

Alchemy Wellbeing


Chinese Medicine and Clinical Complementary Therapist: BSc Hons; Lic Ac
I work in an integrated way, utilising the breadth of my skills and training to treat both your symptoms and their root cause. By combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture and Western holistic therapies such as reiki, flower essences, yoga and massage, I create a treatment plan that focuses on integrating your body, mind and spirit.

Alchemy Wellbeing

Massage and Body Treatments

Chinese Medicine and Wellbeing Consultation

Alchemy Wellbeing

Alchemy Wellbeing

Alchemy Wellbeing

Temple Street, Suite 2, Lyndhurst, Llandrindod Well, Powys, LD1 5DP


14:00 - 18:00
14:00 - 21:00
14:00 - 21:00
14:00 - 21:00
14:00 - 21:00

Alchemy Wellbeing

Alchemy Wellbeing

Temple Street, Suite 2, Lyndhurst, Llandrindod Well, Powys, LD1 5DP


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